Very little plant life exists in the Southern Poles, due to the lack of sunlight, freezing temperatures, and general terrain. However, this particular plant can be seen quite commonly, with long antennae-like leaves that constantly hunt for sunlight.
It perseverance in these almost unbearable conditions has led to it becoming a symbol of hope for rebels, prisoners, and general detractors. Marking an image of this flower is meant to signal to others who stumble upon it a message of solidarity.
Crystals are an essential part of life on Solaurea. They are used to store solar energy, which is used in numerous ways by the inhabitants. These processes include reproduction, powering of machinery, increasing lifespan, and in economic and religious practices.
Crystals are mined, refined, and relocated depending on their use.
While mining is primarily focused on crystals harvesting, whatever metals a worker or prisoner comes across are also collected. These minerals and metals, such as copper, tin, iron and platinum, are used in numerous ways, like in communication devices, architecture, artwork, and even for the mining tools themselves.
This particular material is primarily used for armor within the Sun Ring, the most lavish area in Solaurea. While the stone initially looks simple, its houses quite warm and beautiful undertones with a reflective and strong surface.
The prayer areas located near prisons are not as grand or beautiful as they are in the Midlands, and Sun Ring. Often susceptible to riots, backlash, or fights, the prayer areas in the Southern Pole prioritize minimalism in structure to enforce worship sessions on imprisoned rebels and inhabitants.
Three sessions are required for prisoners: Morning, Afternoon, Night.
Prisoners are required to work the harder, laborious tasks in crystal mining and refining. These inhabitants are usually imprisoned for rebel activity, and are punished physically and mentally with the most difficult roles such as mining. Prisoners are also required to attend the mandatory worship sessions and endure long repetitive days.
The suits protect the inhabitants from frostbite as long as they stay in their designated areas.
Although crystal harvesting and refinery is enforced upon prisoners, there are a number of inhabitants who work in these fields due to pure necessity. Government provided currency or trade is the largest incentive for inhabitants to choose to work in this field.
The suits protect the inhabitants from frostbite.
Throughout Solaurea, there are many different bodies and types of water. Coming in many different colors, like green, teal, or even red, the water typically found in the Poles and mining areas is purple.
This water is safe and sweet to drink, with an alluring glittery appearance and high viscosity: It is a small beauty for those forced to live out their lives in the dark.
The Poles, and specifically their southern mining areas largely consist of cave systems, frozen waters, and some mountainous terrain. Sunlight here exists from a little to none, even above surface, causing temperatures to be ranging from very cold to below freezing.
The population here is thin, housing the poor, prisoners, or guards. However, those suffering bond together through their struggle, trying to assist each other with what little resources they are given.
A prison guard's position is somewhat coveted, with most employed seeing it as a potential stepping stone in their political lives. Guards typically are already monks, or training to become one, with "monks" being the religious, militant, and governmental enforcers within Solaurea.
Their job mainly consists of surveillance, ensuring that law and order is kept between inmates, workers, and themselves. Oh, and of course, they also keep an eye out for any potential rebels.
A combination of hand held drills and large operated machinery are used in order to harvest minerals, material, and crystals. The hand held devices are extremely heavy, but provide more efficiency than pick axes or digging by hand.